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Fourth Grade

Welcome to the Fourth Grade at Benjamin E. Mays IB World School! Thank you for visiting us.

We encourage families to use this website to learn about the Fourth Grade classrooms. This site will be updated to include information on Reading, Math, PYP (IB), Writing, Social Studies, and Science. It will also remind families of important dates, upcoming events, and changes in our schedule. For more specific information, please access our individual pages by clicking on the name to the right.

Please contact your 4th grade teacher for additional information or questions!

Thank You,

The 4th Grade Team!

Reader's Workshop: 

Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Continuum is the literacy curriculum we use to help our students learn reading strategies to become better readers. Reader's Workshop begins with a 10 minute whole group mini lesson focusing on a reading strategy followed by an activity on the focus and 30 minutes of independent reading, along with guided reading group work.

Writer's Workshop: 

This is our first year implementing the writing curriculum “Step Up to Writing”. We are excited to build on the students existing foundational writing skills. There is a whole group mini lesson followed by an independent writing time.  Students will be writing everyday to build stamina.


We are using the FIRE curriculum to focus on grammar, spelling, and morphology.


This is the second year our district is using HMH Math.  Our math block consists of a math mini lesson focused on a skill, then a whole group implementation of the skill.  Math closes with differentiated small group instruction which incorporates a technology component called Waggle. It is a program that meets the individual needs of the students.

Social Studies and Science: These subjects are integrated into our daily PYP units of study.

Learning at Home

Mays Family Days - Math, Reading, Writing support/resources for learning at home 


Primary Years Programme

Throughout the year, students will explore Six Transdisciplinary Themes:

  • How the World Works
  • How We Express Ourselves
  • How We Organize Ourselves
  • Sharing the Planet
  • Where We Are in Place and Time
  • Who We Are

Useful Links

HMH Math - Waggle