5th Grade Art
Throughout the year, fifth grade artists spent a lot of time raising their voices through the Arts. We practiced using our skills as visual artists and as writers to share with the world ideas and messages that we think need to be heard. Some of the topics artists focused on included racial justice, environmentalism, ensuring all voices are included in the US electoral process, and recognizing that every single person is neccessary, and should be accepted and valued for who they are. During our "I Matter Because..." project, fifth graders came up with the analogy of our school as a puzzle where each person in our school (and larger community) is like an individual puzzle piece - even though we are all different and completely individual, we all fit together, and the puzzle would be incomplete without any one piece/any one individual who belongs in our community. In the gallery below, see visual artworks and written words straight from the hearts of our fifth graders. We will miss their fearless creativity and strong voices at Mays next year when they're off at middle school but are so excited to see how they continue taking action to create the world they want to live in as they continue in their journeys as artists, scholars, and A-MAYS-ING humans.