Fifth Grade
IB Units: Our IB units are a great way for students to research information on topics they find interesting. Within each unit, students learn about multiple events and then choose what they want to learn. Then they make a plan, conduct the research, and present what they've learned in a way that they also choose. These student-based projects are a great way for our inquirers to work together and pursue their interests.
Reader's Workshop: We are using Lucy Calkins' Units of Study, Reader's Workshop, as our reading curriculum. Through this program, students are able to target their reading skills to gain a deeper understanding and skill set in their fiction and non-fiction reading. They develop the use of several transferrable strategies that they can use for any book they read as they continue in school. They work to develop comprehension, fluency, note-taking, inferring, synthesizing, and questioning skills. They also work on strategies to be able to go back into a text and find text-based evidence to support their claims.
Writer's Workshop: We are using Lucy Calkins' Units of Study, Writer's Workshop, as our writing curriculum. Our Writing Units are connected to our IB units of study. Students will writie biographies, research papers, write narratives about themselves, and opinion-based essays. Students learn how to use text to support their claims, and to balance the claims of others with their own research and ideas.
Math: We use the TQE (Tasks Questions Evidence) framework to plan our mathematical experiences. TQE is a fluid ‘lens’ through which math instruction and learning is seen. TQE, at its core, is about:
Selecting Tasks that support learning goals, promote deep mathematical understanding, allow for multiple entry points, and drive student voice in the mathematical experience.
Using Questions that facilitate student discourse and engagement in mathematical practices. These questions also promote higher order thinking and productive struggle, such as: probing for understanding, pushing for multiple perspectives and solutions, using wait time effectively, scaffolding and adjusting questions as needed.
Gathering and utilizing Evidence of student learning through formative and informal assessment.
Additionally, our students will develop automaticity of basic math facts through our Math Facts curriculum.
Social Studies and Science: These subjects are integrated into our daily PYP units of study.
Learning at Home
Mays Family Days - Math, Reading, Writing support/resources for learning at home
5th Grade Exhibition
In This Section
- Ms. Hable
- Ms. Phillips
Useful Links
- Fifth Grade Compact
- Bookmobile
- Information in Support of Progress Reports - 5th Grade Standards
- Partial Quotient Division Game
- Thinking Blocks Addition and Subtraction: Story Problem Practice
- Thinking Blocks Multiplication and Division: Story Problem Practice
- Thinking Blocks Fractions: Story Problem Practice
- Mays Library